Family & Couples Programme

Revoco Healthcare are pleased to be offering a Family Programme at any location. We believe we are one of only a handful of providers offering this service. 

Jennifer and Nick have many years experience working with families from a multitude of backgrounds, religions and cultures and can use their extensive experience to tailor make a programme for your specific needs.

Family Programme

A family can be hugely affected by their loved one’s problems. The programme supports the family to work on individual issues and on family challenges. This helps the family with their loved one, but also helps the family work on unresolved issues and challenges which are often not addressed. If the person goes to treatment often the family are not involved in this process for various reasons. This service allows a safe contained environment for everyone to grow individually and as a family. This is paramount for everyone moving forward; getting well and living a happier life.

Some of the content could include:

Psycho-education on addiction/mental health
About treatment
Recovery for the family
Recovery for the person
Communication workshops
Experiential family group work to heal your own family

The length of the family programme depends on the individual family needs but is usually over a two to four day period.

Couples Programme

Revoco Healthcare also provide a couples programme delivered over two days. Relationship issues are one of the most common causes of emotional distress. The couple's programme can be a great way to reconnect with your partner or to resolve particular issues. The programme will help you both understand the most effective ways to communicate to each other, increase awareness with both individual therapy and couples therapy and help you both to begin to work together on your goals. 

This programme can help couples with: 

Rebuilding the relationship 
Low self-esteem

If you feel this programme would help you as a couple please contact us.

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